Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Meeting Report: 20th June 2007

The first NAME meeting was held today. We plan to post meeting reports for all meetings. These will vary as some meetings will essentially be presentation / question sessions, some round table discussions and perhaps other formats.

The meeting today consisted of:

  • Nathaniel and James restating their motivations for creating the group
  • Introductions and research interests of those attending
  • List of those not attending, but who we feel may be interested in attending
  • Discussion of possible meeting format
  • List of future meeting topics

With regards the next meeting, Joel Peck from the Centre for the Study of Evolution will be leading a discusion on information theory and it applications to population genetics - in particular the work of Chris Adami. James and Nathaniel will be emailing out the paper before the meeting.

The next meeting is provisionally scheduled for Wednesday 4th July - in TWO weeks time, not the originally stated ONE week. James and Nathaniel plan to have weekly NAME meetings in the very near future.

Inman Harvey drew people's attention to the workshop on mathematical models in evolution that will be held in Sussex on 20-21 September. The website for this event is in the "links" section of this blog.

James compiled a long list of attendees research interests. He will post this to this blog shortly.

James and Nathaniel will be contacting a number of people who were not aware of todays meeting, but may be interested in attending.

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